
This course is an introductory course to Docker and docker-compose.

Attendees need to provide their own computers with admin / superuser priviledges. Required software can not be installed on shared computers such as library or universitys computers.

Course details and starting instructions can be found in part 0.

Credits and licence

This is a fork from Jami Kousa course. Reason for the fork is to provide sysadmin viewpoint to docker and docker-composer. Research and modifying has been done by Joni Virtanen. Supervision and orderer Tero Keso

Majority of the course material has been done by Jami Kousa with the help of University of Helsinki's Tietojenkäsittelytieteen osaston sovelluskehitysakatemia (Toska) and numerous course attendees. We recommend you to help the original project docker-hy.github.io develop the course material as well. This material is based on gist by Matti Paksula.

This material is following the official Docker guidelines presented on the official website. If you find anything conflicting or otherwise prohibited use, please inform us and we'll make the required changes.

This material is licenced under Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 -licence, so you can freely use and distribute the material, as long as original creators are credited. If you make changes to material and you want to distribute altered version it must be licenced under the same licence. Usage of material for commercial use is prohibited without permission.