You found a mistake, issue, typo or something missing? Maybe you just thought that something was not well written and you could do better? Maybe it’s hacktoberfest? Or you want to share a link to a great blog post? Make a contribution!

Since the course is open source you can fork, edit and send a pull request. If you don’t know what forking is or how to make pull request consult the github guides. It’s okay to practice here.

If you feel like you don’t want to be part of the list of contributors you can also add an issue. Guide for making issue in github is here.

Pages to create: issue and pull request.

Please follow the guidelines here when you make a pull request or issue to help us review it.

Name the issue / pull request to be as descriptive of the fixes as possible.

  • Good: “Fix grammar”
  • Good: “Fix example in part 1”
  • Good: “Add new example for scaling”
  • Bad: “Fixes”
  • Bad: “Fix examples”
  • Bad: “Add new stuff”

Issue specific: include information in the issue.

  • What should be fixed: “The example after ‘Larger application with volumes’ in part 2 does not work.”
  • Why should it be fixed: “It should work with this file as instructed: … “
  • How should it be fixed: “I’m not sure but it just doesn’t work.”

Pull request specific: avoid making changes to multiple areas at once.

  • If theres something that we won’t merge it’s easier for you to edit/remove.
  • We cannot add new exercises during the course even if you find something that should / could be added. You can add an issue with enough information or a pending PR with just the new exercise.